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How to Play Phase 10: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

How to Play Phase 10: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

How to Play Phase 10: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Phase 10 is a fun and challenging card game that tests your strategy and luck. If you’re new to the game, this ultimate guide will help you understand the rules and get started on your way to becoming a Phase 10 expert!

The Objective

The objective of Phase 10 is to be the first player to complete all ten phases. A phase is a combination of cards that you need to collect in a specific order. The player who completes phase ten first wins the game.

Setting Up

To start the game, shuffle the deck of Phase 10 cards and deal ten cards to each player. The remaining deck is placed face-down in the center of the table, forming the draw pile. Turn over the top card and place it next to the draw pile, creating the discard pile.


On your turn, you can either draw a card from the draw pile or pick up the top card from the discard pile. After drawing, you must attempt to complete the phase shown on your current phase card. A phase card indicates the specific combination of cards you need to collect to complete that phase.

To complete a phase, you can lay down as many cards as you want from your hand that fit the phase’s criteria. For example, if your phase is “two sets of three,” you must collect two sets of three cards with the same number. Once you’ve laid down your phase, you can lay down additional cards to add to other phases in play.

After laying down your phase(s), you must discard one card from your hand to the discard pile. The discarded card can be any card that you no longer need or want. The turn then passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

If you have not completed your current phase, you must continue to work on it in subsequent turns. Once a player completes their current phase, they can move on to the next phase on their phase card in the following turns.

Penalties and Winning

If a player fails to complete their current phase within the round, they must repeat that same phase in the next round. This can create a setback for the player, as their opponents have the opportunity to progress to the next phase while they are stuck. The first player to complete phase ten wins the game.


Phase 10 is an exciting and enjoyable card game that requires a mix of strategy and luck. It’s a fantastic game to play with friends and family, and after a few rounds, you’ll be hooked! So gather your loved ones, shuffle the deck, and let the competitive fun begin!


1. How many players can play Phase 10?

Phase 10 can be played by 2 to 6 players. The more players, the more challenging and fun the game becomes.

2. Can I skip a phase if I can’t complete it?

No, you cannot skip a phase. If you fail to complete your current phase, you must keep working on it in the next round.

3. Can I lay down cards on my opponents’ phases?

No, you cannot lay down cards on your opponents’ phases. Only the player who owns a specific phase can add cards to it.