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How to Build and Dominate as Kennen in Wild Rift

How to Build and Dominate as Kennen in Wild Rift

How to Build and Dominate as Kennen in Wild Rift

Kennen is a versatile and powerful champion in Wild Rift, capable of dominating lanes and teamfights with his lightning-based abilities. If you want to maximize your effectiveness as Kennen, here’s a guide on how to build and dominate as him.

Building Your Kennen

As an AP (Ability Power) champion, building magic damage and cooldown reduction (CDR) should be your priority. Here’s an ideal build for Kennen:

  • Hextech Rocketbelt – Provides extra burst damage and mobility with its active ability.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity – Grants CDR and bonus movement speed.
  • Nashor’s Tooth – Increases Kennen’s attack speed and provides additional AP and CDR.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap – Boosts your AP significantly, enhancing your burst potential.
  • Void Staff – Penetrates enemy magic resist, making your abilities hit harder.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – Offers protection and allows you to engage in risky plays with its stasis active ability.

Playing As Kennen

When playing as Kennen, you’ll want to focus on poking your enemies in the laning phase using your Q ability, Thundering Shuriken. Make sure to keep an eye on your energy bar and manage it wisely to avoid running out.

Once you hit level 6 and unlock your ultimate, Slicing Maelstrom, teamfighting becomes your forte. Look for opportunities to engage with your ultimate, stunning multiple enemies and dealing significant AoE (Area of Effect) damage. Coordinate with your team to maximize your impact.


Mastering Kennen in Wild Rift requires a keen understanding of his abilities and a proper build. By building AP and CDR items, you can maximize his burst damage potential. In the laning phase, focus on poking with your Q ability while managing your energy. Finally, take advantage of your ultimate in teamfights to stun and deal AoE damage. With practice, you’ll be able to dominate as Kennen and bring down thunder upon your enemies in no time!