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How to Build and Start with Graves in Wild Rift: The Ultimate Guide

How to Build and Start with Graves in Wild Rift: The Ultimate Guide

How to Build and Start with Graves in Wild Rift: The Ultimate Guide

Graves, the Outlaw, is a versatile marksman in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Known for his unique shotgun mechanics and high burst damage, playing Graves requires a solid understanding of his abilities and items. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through how to build and start with Graves in Wild Rift to maximize your potential in the game.

Starting Items

As Graves, it is crucial to start with the right items that will provide you with early game sustain and damage. Recommended starting items for Graves include:

  • Doran’s Blade: Provides bonus attack damage, health, and life steal, enhancing your laning phase.
  • Health Potion: Offers sustain during the early game and allows you to stay in lane for extended periods.

Building Path

Building Graves involves a mix of attack damage, health, and armor penetration. Here is a suggested item build path:

  1. Duskblade of Draktharr: This core item provides bonus AD, lethality, and a passive that deals additional damage when striking an enemy from a brush or while unseen.
  2. The Collector: Grants bonus AD, critical strike chance, and a passive that executes low-health enemies.
  3. Infinity Edge: Increases your AD and critical strike damage, allowing you to deal massive damage in team fights.
  4. Mortal Reminder: Provides bonus AD, armor penetration, and a passive that applies grievous wounds to enemies, reducing their healing.
  5. Guardian Angel: Offers bonus AD and a passive that revives you upon death, granting a second chance in team fights.
  6. Black Cleaver: Grants bonus AD, health, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration.


Mastering Graves requires practice and understanding of his mechanics, but with the right items and build path, you can unleash his true potential. Starting with Doran’s Blade and Health Potion provides you with early game sustain, while following the recommended item build path enhances your damage and survivability throughout the game. Remember to adapt your build to the specific game situation, considering enemy team compositions and the state of the game. So grab your shotgun, become the Outlaw, and dominate the Rift as Graves!