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How to Build the Perfect Riven in Wild Rift: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Build the Perfect Riven in Wild Rift: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Build the Perfect Riven in Wild Rift: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re a fan of high-paced, action-packed gameplay in Wild Rift, then Riven is the champion for you! With her exceptional mobility, crowd control, and burst damage, she can easily dominate the game in the right hands. However, building the perfect Riven is crucial for maximizing her potential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the optimal build for Riven in Wild Rift.

1. Early Game:

Start by purchasing the Long Sword and Refillable Potion as your initial items. This will provide you with the necessary attack damage and sustain in the early stages of the game.

2. Core Build:

For Riven’s core build, focus on items that augment her damage and survivability. Consider purchasing the Black Cleaver, which grants attack damage, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration. Additionally, Essence Reaver is an excellent choice, as it provides bonus attack damage, cooldown reduction, and mana regeneration.

3. Boots:

Boots play a crucial role in Riven’s mobility. Opt for Boots of Swiftness to enhance her movement speed, allowing you to chase down enemies or escape dangerous situations more effectively.

4. Situational Items:

Adapt your build based on the game’s specific circumstances. For increased survivability against magic damage, consider purchasing Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius. If the enemy team has heavy crowd control, Mercury’s Treads will help reduce their impact. Bloodthirster and Sterak’s Gage are strong options for additional damage and survivability.


Building the perfect Riven in Wild Rift is a combination of understanding her strengths and adapting to the game’s dynamics. The core build mentioned here focuses on maximizing her damage and survivability, while the situational items allow for customization based on the specific match. Experimentation and adjusting your build according to the evolving game flow will ultimately lead to success. Remember to constantly assess the situation, communicate with your team, and make informed decisions to effectively carry your team to victory.