How to Build Varus in Wild Rift: Essential Tips and Strategies
How to Build Varus in Wild Rift: Essential Tips and Strategies
Varus is a marksman champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift known for his high burst damage and long-range poke. If you want to master Varus, it’s crucial to understand his optimal build and strategies. Here are some essential tips to help you get started:
Build Recommendations:
1. Start with Doran’s Blade as your first item for additional attack damage and lifesteal to sustain in lane.
2. Rush Blade of the Ruined King as your core item. It provides attack damage, attack speed, and lifesteal while also having an active ability that deals bonus damage based on the target’s maximum health.
3. Infinity Edge should be your next item. It significantly increases your crit damage and provides additional attack damage.
4. Build Rapid Firecannon to enhance your ranged poke. Its passive grants bonus range and energized attacks that deal increased damage.
5. Guardian Angel is a great defensive item to consider, providing attack damage and a passive ability that revives you upon death, giving you a second chance in team fights.
1. Utilize your long-range abilities to poke and harass your opponents during the laning phase. Varus has exceptional poke potential with his Piercing Arrow (Q).
2. Coordinate with your support to set up engages with your ultimate ability, Chain of Corruption (R). It roots multiple enemies, allowing your team to follow up and secure kills.
3. Position yourself carefully in team fights to maximize your damage output. Stay at the backline while constantly auto-attacking and using your Piercing Arrow to soften up targets.
4. Always keep an eye on your positioning and maintain appropriate distance from enemy threats. Varus lacks mobility, making him vulnerable to assassins and divers.
To build Varus in Wild Rift successfully, prioritize attack damage, attack speed, and critical damage items. Combine your long-range poke with well-coordinated engages using your ultimate. Positioning is key, so maintain a safe distance from enemy threats. With these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the Rift as Varus.