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How to Check a Fraudulent Account Number or Not 2023

Online fraud often occurs in Indonesia, therefore we have to know how to check the account number of a fraudster or not.

The large number of fraud cases makes us have to be more alert to all criminal acts when we carry out transactions online.

Even though we are always alert to all acts of online fraud, there are still many people who are deceived by online fraud.

And to avoid cases of online fraud, you can check the account number first.

To check someone’s account whether the person has had a fraud case or not, you can use an online fraud account checking site. There you will find out whether the seller you are going to transact with is safe or not.

How to Check a Fraudulent Account Number or Not

To check fraudsters’ account numbers, you can view the seller’s account number history using several online fraud account number checking sites such as And

If you want to know how to check the account number of online fraudsters, here we provide a guide, so that you are always safe when shopping online via social media and avoid online fraud.

1. Check the fraudster’s account number at

To find out whether someone’s account number has committed online fraud or is safe, you can check it using the site

Credible can identify whether an account number has ever been registered as a fraud or not. To check it, follow the steps as below.

  1. First open the browser then visit the website to check the fraudster’s account number.
  2. On the main page you will see a column for inputting your bank account number, please Enter account number in the column then click the button Search.
  3. Enter the fraudster's account number
  4. Wait a few moments until the data from the account number appears. The data provided is in the form of bank account number, owner’s name and the bank used by the fraudster.
  5. In this tutorial I tried checking 2 different bank accounts. First, a safe account with the number 1640001872434. The results of the credible check are as shown in the image below.

    not registered as a fraudulent account number

    The results of the first bank account are safe.

    And the second is a fraudulent account with account number 1830001866739. The results of the credible check are as shown in the following image.

    registered as the fraudster's account number

    As we can see, the account number above is included in the list of fraudulent account numbers. Credible will provide warning information Fraud Alert!. Because the bank account had been fraudulent and was reported by someone who had been deceived.

2. Check the fraudulent account number at

The second way to check fraudulent account numbers is to use the site This site was created by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), so the data is truly safe and reliable.

The account numbers reported on this site are account numbers related to criminal acts such as fraud, fake investments, narcotics, terrorism and other crimes.

OK, let’s just test it by checking the fraudster’s account number.

  1. Visit the official site in your browser via your gadget.
  2. Select the BANK account type, Bank Name and enter the Account Number you want to check.
  3. Verify I am not robotthen click the button Check Now.
  4. check the fraudster's account number
  5. Wait a while until the data from the account number appears.
  6. Because what I checked was a fraudster’s account number, so the results indicated that the number was fraudulent. The result is like the image below.

    registered as the fraudster's account number at

    The information provided by is: account number, name of the account owner, status of whether the account number has been reported or not, time of reporting and category of criminal act.

3. Check the fraudster’s account number

Check the fraudster's account number

The last site that you can use to find out whether someone’s bank account number has committed fraud or not is

This site, which was created by an authorized government agency, provides services for people’s online aspirations and complaints. The services offered are Complaints, Aspirations and Information Requests.

In essence, with the, you can ask to check your bank account number or report it to the appropriate regional agency.

To be able to use the services on site, you must create an account first.

And for how to report, just choose directly Report Classification and fill in all the columns according to the case you are facing, then click the button REPORT!.

The public can also report complaints via:

  • SMS to number 1708
  • and Twitter @LAPOR1708 with the hashtag #report

4. Check the fraudster’s account number via Instagram @indonesiablacklist

ig indonesiablacklist

Another way you can find out whether the account number is a fraudster or not is by looking at the list of fraudster account numbers on Instagram @indonesiablacklist.

This Instagram account has been created since 2013. It is used specifically to receive fraudulent account reports. All online fraud account number data reported by victims will be collected into a database.

If you want to check whether an online seller’s account number is safe or not, you can send a message to the admin. Just tell me whether the bank account number xxx is registered with fraud records or not. Later the admin will provide the information as quickly as possible.

How to Report Fraudulent Account Numbers Online

After knowing how to find out whether the account number is a fraudster or not, you also need to know how to report the account number of the fraudster.

When making an online transaction, you have sent money to the seller but the goods sent have not yet reached the delivery limit, the first step you must take is to report the perpetrator’s account number.

To report online fraud, you can report it to the sites, andreport.go,id, here I will provide a guide on how to report an online fraud account number to one of the sites I mentioned earlier.

Report Fraudulent Account Numbers to Credible

Visitors can enter a report form on credible sites. In the report menu you can fill in fraud data starting from account number, telephone number, fraudster’s name, bank name, platform used by the fraudster, product, chronology, attachments to your total loss.

  1. Visit the site
  2. In the available menu, select Report Fraud.
  3. Select report Account number.
  4. report the fraudster's account number
  5. Fill in all the fraudster’s data starting from the account owner’s name, bank name, account number, telephone number, platform used by the fraudster, product, chronology, attachments to the total loss.
  6. Enter online fraud data
  7. If all the columns have been filled in, just click the button Send.
  8. submit online fraud data


Apart from reporting via the site above, you can also report it direct to OJK on number 1500655.

The final word

That’s a review of how to check a fraudulent account number or not and how to report online fraud to a trusted site.

Before making a transaction with someone you just met (especially on the internet), you should first check the account number they are using, whether it is safe or not.

If you want safer online transactions, it is better for you to use a trusted joint account service. Or you can also via online stores such as Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak.

Hopefully this is useful, thank you.