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How to Delete Stories We Write on Wattpad

How to delete stories on Wattpad is quite easy to do. Especially if you are a writer who has been involved in this application for a long time, you definitely already know how to do it.

However, some people, such as new members or writers, are not really familiar with the tools on Wattpad. For this reason, in this article, we will provide a tutorial on how to delete stories on Wattpad very easily.

Get to know the Wattpad application

Wattpad is an application that is quite popular in various circles. In fact, this application was once one of the applications with the largest number of downloads from the Play Store.

Before continuing with the main discussion, you must first know about the profile and advantages of the Wattpad application.

Wattpad is a free story or novel reading application and acts as a forum for writers who want to share their stories. There are lots of genres available on the Wattpad application.

Starting from the romance genre, teen fiction, comedy, action, horror, to a collection of poems and rhymes, there are also in this application. Wattpad was launched in 2006 in Canada by two people named Ivan Yuen and Allen Lau.

However, this application has only become popular in Indonesia since 2023. At that time, writers began to emerge who succeeded in publishing their books as printed novels. In fact, quite a few have been made into films.

Until now, the number of readers and writers on Wattpad is very large. Whether from abroad or from Indonesia itself.

Advantages of the Wattpad Application

There are many advantages that the Wattpad application has. And it is also these advantages that make many people flock to choose Wattpad as an application for writing and reading various stories. The following is a list of the advantages of the Wattpad application that you need to know.

  • Free access.
  • Easy to use application.
  • The word count feature is very accurate.
  • As a place to express writing talent.
  • Increase interest in reading, even if it is fiction reading.

How to Delete Stories on Wattpad

Here are the steps you can follow to delete the stories we create on Wattpad.

  1. Open your cellphone and make sure the internet data package is turned on.
  2. Open the Wattpad application that was installed previously.
  3. Click the menu that has the image Pencil icon.
  4. There are several options that will be offered. These include continuing to write the last edited story, editing other stories, and creating new stories.
  5. If the story you deleted was recently edited, select “Continue writing“.
  6. In the editing section, in the top right corner there are three dots, click there.
  7. Choose “wipe” and the story was automatically deleted.
  8. If other stories also want to be deleted, on the pen icon page, click “edit another story“.
  9. In the menu “published“, search for the story you want to delete.
  10. Select a story and press the three dots.
  11. Choose “wipe“.

If you have followed the steps above, the story you deleted will automatically disappear. So consider it first before actually deleting it, because there is no way to read Wattpad stories that have been deleted and there is no application for reading Wattpad stories that have been deleted by the author.

The final word

That’s a series of information that we can convey about how to delete stories on Wattpad, complete with the understanding and advantages of the Wattpad application itself.

Hopefully the information above is useful and answers the problems you are experiencing regarding deleting stories on Wattpad.