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How to Master Rammus in Wild Rift: Tips for Dominating the Jungle

How to Master Rammus in Wild Rift: Tips for Dominating the Jungle

How to Master Rammus in Wild Rift: Tips for Dominating the Jungle

If you love playing the jungle role in League of Legends: Wild Rift, mastering Rammus can be a great choice for dominating your opponents. With his high mobility and crowd control abilities, Rammus can quickly disrupt the enemy team and create opportunities for your allies to secure kills. Here are some tips to help you become a formidable force as Rammus in the jungle.

Tips for Dominating the Jungle:

  1. Focus on your powerball: Rammus’s Q ability, Powerball, is your main tool for engaging and ganking. Use it to quickly move around the map, initiate fights, and catch squishy enemies off guard. Make sure to activate your Powerball and build momentum before ganking a lane for maximum impact.
  2. Utilize defensive ball curl: Rammus’s W ability, Defensive Ball Curl, greatly enhances his survivability and damage output. Activate it before engaging in fights to gain bonus resistances and return damage to attackers. This ability can also help you clear the jungle camps easily, allowing you to farm efficiently.
  3. Gank with your taunt: Rammus’s E ability, Frenzying Taunt, can be a game-changer in team fights. Combined with Powerball, you can quickly get close to an enemy carry and lock them down. Coordinate with your team to focus the taunted enemy and secure kills.
  4. Choose the appropriate rune: Opt for the Aftershock rune for Rammus in the jungle role. It provides extra resistance and damage to your engaging combos, making you tankier and deadlier during fights.
  5. Make good use of your ultimate: Rammus’s ultimate ability, Soaring Slam, deals massive area-of-effect damage and knocks up enemies. Save it for crucial team fights or to burst down a priority target, such as the enemy carry. Remember to position yourself properly to maximize its impact.


Mastering Rammus in Wild Rift can greatly enhance your jungle gameplay and allow you to dominate matches. By focusing on your Powerball, utilizing Defensive Ball Curl, ganking effectively with Frenzying Taunt, choosing the appropriate rune, and making good use of your ultimate, you can become a force to be reckoned with as Rammus. Practice your skills, communicate with your team, and adapt to different situations to maximize your impact on the game. So, strap in, roll in with Rammus, and watch your enemies tremble as you become the ultimate jungle menace!