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How to Set Telkomsel iPhone Hotspot Easily

How to Set iPhone Hotspot – Many new iPhone users wonder why my iPhone can’t hotspot. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you were hanging out with friends and you’d be told that “you have a sophisticated smartphone like an iPhone but you can’t use it for a hotspot”, hehee.

It’s not uncommon for new iPhone users to wonder why the hotspot on their iPhone is missing? Is there no hotspot sharing feature on my iPhone or is my iPhone experiencing an error or maybe my iPhone is fake.

It’s not like that, friends, you just don’t know how to set it up. Therefore, iPhone users must know how to set iPhone hotspot correctly.

Luckily you visited the right web page. Karba, on this occasion I will share how to set up an iPhone hotspot using a Telkomsel card. Read more below.

How to Set Telkomsel iPhone Hotspot

In discussing how to set an iPhone hotspot for a Telkomsel card this time I will use an iPhone 7 Plus device.

Why Telkomsel operator? Because before writing this article I did research first, the search volume for this hotpsot setting was highest among card users, and the result was Telkomsel users.

With so many searches with the keyword “Telkomsel iPhone hotspot settings” on Google proves that they had a little difficulty in setting up the apn to activate the hotspot on the iPhone.

As for the Telkomsel iPhone apn, namely Internet. Actually apn”Internet“This can be used on all cards in Indonesia. It’s just that if it doesn’t match the card, maybe the signal or connection is less stable.

So how do you set a Telkomsel iPhone personal hotspot?

Just follow the steps on how to set up an iPhone 7 Plus hotspot using the Telkomsel APN below:

  1. First open the application iPhone Settings You.
  2. In the main settings select menu Mobile.
  3. open the mobile menu in iphone settings
  4. As you can see, Personal Hotspot cannot be used yet and the status is still rotating. To set it up please go to Cellular Data Network.
  5. iphone cellular data network
  6. In the Cellular Data menu there will be many columns available, including a column for filling in the APN. Please Enter Telkomsel’s APN, namely “internet” in all APN columns which exists.
  7. fill in all internet apn columns
  8. Tap again if the APN column is all filled in.
  9. Now you can use the Personal Hotspot menu. Please click on the menu Personal Hotspot to set it.
  10. iPhone personal hotspot can now be used
  11. To activate the hotspot, just tap it slider to the right.
  12. iphone personal hotspot enabled
  13. Up to step number 7, you have successfully done iPhone hotspot settings.
  14. So now go to the initial settings first, and see the difference. Your iPhone should also have a Personal Hotspot menu displayed, with this menu it will be easier and faster to activate the hotspot.
  15. The iPhone hotspot feature has appeared


Tips for Saving Quota When iPhone Hotspot is Activated

When playing outside with friends or family, signal and internet connection problems often occur, as a result, there are some people who need a hotspot to stay connected with other people.

If you fall victim to sharing your hotspot with friends, you must be prepared to limit your internet so it doesn’t run out quickly.

One powerful tip that you can use to save quota when sharing a hotspot is to change the network to 3G.

Yes… by changing the network to 3G, internet speed will be slightly slower than 4G or LTE internet speed.

By using a 3G network, the iPhone battery is more efficient and doesn’t heat up quickly. So, use this trick when sharing your hotspot, okay?

The final word

That’s the method for setting an iPhone hotspot that you can follow, it’s very easy, isn’t it? Now you can share your internet connection with other devices. Can be used on iPhones, Androids, computers, tablets and other gadget devices.

Hopefully the Telkomsel iPhone 7 hotspot setting article above can help you. And don’t forget to share this article with friends or groups of iPhone users so they know how to set up an iPhone hotspot correctly.