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The Most Effective Way to Overcome Virtex WA 100%

After yesterday discussing Virtex WA with a discussion of its meaning, downloading files, how to create it and how to use it, this time I will share how to deal with Virtex WA. Because this ignorant method is quite popular, there is a possibility that you could also be affected by it.

The types of Virtex WA spam are quite diverse and can be found easily on the internet. Some websites even provide tutorials on how to make a Virtex WA.

Because it is easy and fast to use, many people started pranking their friends by sending the Virtex virus.

It may seem trivial, but the error given only lasts for a few moments. However, if left without prevention, this will make us uncomfortable.

Therefore, here I will share tips on how to overcome and prevent this Virtex spam. Without waiting long, let’s get straight to the tips, below.

How to Overcome Vicious Virtex WA

For those of you who have been hit by Virtex WA spam or WA chat bombs and don’t know how to deal with it, here are some steps or antidotes that you can use:

  1. Delete the chat from the virtex sender then block the contact
  2. Not all Virtex viruses can make your WhatsApp lag to the point where you can’t open it, there are also Virtex WA viruses which allow you to still open and delete the chat. So, if the position is like that, immediately delete the chat and just block the contact.

  3. Delete Virtex chat via WhatsApp Web
  4. If your cellphone can’t open WhatsApp because it was sent by the Virtex WA virus, try another method, namely opening WhatsApp via WhatsApp Web on your laptop. The Virtex virus has no effect if you open it on WhatsApp Web.

  5. Delete WhatsApp application data
  6. This is the quickest and easiest way for you to do, only all your WhatsApp data will be deleted. Therefore, think carefully before deleting it.

  7. Reinstall WhatsApp
  8. The same method as number 3, but by reinstalling you will get the latest version of the WhatsApp application.

How to Counter Virtex WA Messages

After knowing how to deal with Virtex WA, you also need to know how to prevent or ward off this disturbing Virtex WA virus. As the saying we often hear “prepare an umbrella before it rains”. Yes, the point is that we better prepare before bad things happen.

To prevent this, you need to use a non-official WhatsApp application that has been customized to prevent Virtex, Virkon WA and Slayer 07.

Here are the steps for using the Virtex WA antidote:

  1. Delete the official WhatsApp application.
  2. Now open the browser on your cellphone.
  3. Then download and install the WA Immune application.
  4. Once installed, try opening WA Immune.
  5. Enter your WA number.
  6. Complete Account verification.
  7. Follow the next instructions until you can actually use WA Immune like WA in general.

The final word

These are the tips on how to deal with Virtex WA that we can give, if one day the Virtex virus attacks WhatsApp, you immediately take action as I have explained above.

And don’t forget to use the WA Immune application if you want to be safer. That’s all, hopefully it’s useful.