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Unveiling the Mysterious Encounter: How to Get Mew in Pokemon Fire Red

Unveiling the Mysterious Encounter: How to Get Mew in Pokemon Fire Red

Unveiling the Mysterious Encounter: How to Get Mew in Pokemon Fire Red

Pokemon Fire Red is a classic game that has captivated fans for years. One of the most sought-after and mysterious
Pokemon in the game is Mew. Mew is a psychic-type Pokemon known for its unique abilities and powerful moves. In
this article, we will explore the steps to unlock the secret encounter with Mew in Pokemon Fire Red.

The Mew Encounter

To initiate the encounter with Mew, you will need to exploit a glitch in the game. Start by making your way to Cerulean
City and head north, crossing Nugget Bridge. On the other side of the bridge, find the Youngster with a Slowpoke.
After defeating him, immediately head back to the start of the bridge. Your in-game menu will pop up, and then
it’s time to perform a precise sequence of movements.

Begin by using your Fly HM to teleport to any Pokemon Center. As soon as the screen turns black, press the Start
button and open your in-game menu. Next, fly back to Cerulean City. Upon arrival, head east towards Route 9.

Here comes the crucial part. Just before reaching the Gambler, the game will automatically trigger a battle with
Mew. Be prepared for a tough fight, as Mew has formidable stats and a diverse move pool. Use your skills and strategies
to capture the legendary Pokemon.


Finding and capturing Mew in Pokemon Fire Red is a thrilling adventure that requires a keen eye and quick reflexes.
By following the steps outlined above, you can unlock the secret encounter and add this legendary Pokemon to your
team. Remember, patience and persistence are key when attempting this glitch. So, gear up, train your Pokemon,
and embark on the journey of a lifetime to capture the elusive Mew!