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8+ Ways to View Laptop Specifications on Windows 10

How to View Laptop Specifications – Laptops or computers have now become a tool that must be owned, especially for people who work in offices, business people, freelancers and many other jobs that require laptops.

And each job needs to use different hardware specifications, tailored to its needs.

Before buying a new or used laptop, there are things you need to pay attention to. When buying a laptop, apart from paying attention to the appearance of the body, you also have to know and look at the specifications of the laptop.

Why do you need to check the specifications of the laptop you are using?

Yes… so you know the limitations and capabilities of the laptop itself. By knowing the laptop specifications, you know this laptop is capable of running any program.

For example, if you are a content creator, you want to install a video editing application such as Adobe Premiere Pro, you have to look at the minimum specifications required to run it.

So, if your laptop meets the standard requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro, no problem! But if it’s the other way around, the laptop will be slow and could even hang if forced.

To install an application you have to look at the laptop specs and how many bits are used. Don’t worry, in this content you can also find out about 32 bit or 64 bit laptops.

Knowing the laptop specs is also very useful if in the future you want to upgrade laptop components, such as adding RAM, replacing HDD, SSHD, SSD or M.2 SSD storage.

How to View Windows 10 Laptop Specifications

To find out laptop specifications, there are many ways you can choose. You can use system applications, third party applications, stickers attached to the keyboard or physical objects such as laptop boxes and manuals.

To make it clearer, I will make steps on how to check it. We’ll start with the easiest and fastest way to check laptop specs.

Come on.. check it out guys!

1. Porperties This PC

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Right click on the section ThisPC.
  3. Then select Properties.
  4. properties this pc
  5. A window will appear Systems.
  6. This window will display Windows edition, System, Computer name and Windows activation info.

    laptop spec information

2. About Your PC

  1. Open menus Star.
  2. Type the keyword “about your pc“.
  3. Then select About Your PC.
  4. about pc

    In this settings window, there is little spec info displayed, such as Product ID, Installed RAM, System Type and others that are shown in the picture.

3. Dxdiag

  1. Press the button Windows + R simultaneously.
  2. Type “dxdiag“.
  3. Then select dxdiag.
  4. laptop specifications via dxdiag

    dxdiag (DirectX Diagnostic Tool) will display information on each menu, namely the System, Display, Sound and Input menus. dxdiax provides complete information about the laptop itself.

4. Device Manager

  1. Open menus Star.
  2. Type the keyword “device manager“.
  3. Next select Device Manager.
  4. device manager

    Apart from viewing computer spec information, you can also manage drivers via Device Manager. Actions that can be taken are: Updates, DisableAnd Uninstall Driver.

5. System Information

  1. Open menus Star.
  2. Type “msinfo“.
  3. Choose System Information
  4. system information

    There is a lot of information displayed, you can check one by one in detail about the components installed on the laptop.

6. Command Prompt (CMD)

cmd systeminfo

There are many functions that CMD can perform, generally we often use CMD to carry out ping and tracert commands. There is another command that is quite important for you to know, namely checking the laptop specifications.

Here are the steps:

  1. Press the button Windows + R.
  2. A window will appear Run.
  3. Type the keyword “cmd“.
  4. Press Enterthen the CMD window will appear.
  5. Type the command “systeminfo” in CMD.
  6. A row of laptop specifications will appear.

7. PowerShell

powershell get computerinfo

The appearance is similar and the use is the same as CMD. PowerShell can also provide information regarding laptop specifications. However, the information provided by Winodws PowerShell is more complete, in terms of capabilities PowerShell also has more.

Steps to check laptop specifications in PowerShell:

  1. Open menus Star.
  2. Search for applications PowerShell.
  3. Right click on the application PowerShellthen select “Run as administrator“.
  4. Once the PowerShell window opens, type the command “Get-ComputerInfo“.
  5. Wait a moment until PowerShell displays the laptop spec information line.

8. Speccy App

check laptop specifications speccy application

Another way is with the help of CPU-Z or Speccy software. Here, I’ll just give an example of Speccy.

Speccy is software created by CCleaner, which can be downloaded for free without conditions.

This application is very helpful for finding out all the components installed on the laptop, starting from the operating system, CPU, RAM, motherboard, graphics, storage, optical drives, audio, peripherals and network.

Very complete and not complicated, right? Of course yes.

The size of this software is very small, only 6MB. If you want to download and install it on your laptop, just open the following link,

9. Check the laptop specifications in the laptop box and user manual

If you buy a new laptop, you will definitely get a box, some papers and a laptop manual in it.

Try checking the box and manual if you still have it. There should be information about laptop specifications such as processor, RAM, VGA, screen, hard disk and much more.

Well, desktop computers are different, because each component uses a different box. Just check the component box.

10. Check the laptop specifications with the seller

The last method is the most unique method, really anti-mainstream. Ask the seller directly for laptop specifications.

When you want to buy a laptop, whether it’s a new or used laptop, just ask about the specifications of the laptop and whether it will be possible later if you install the application you want, or whether it will be possible later if you want to upgrade the components.

It’s that simple!

Oh yes, just for information, if you buy a laptop, check the serial number of the laptop first, to make sure the laptop components are still original or have been tinkered with inside.

The final word

This is an article about several ways to view Windows 10 laptop specifications that I can explain. You can do all the methods above offline, without having to connect to the internet (except the download section for the speccy application).

If you check the laptop specifications online, it seems like you can’t, or I just don’t know. Yes, that’s it, the method above is also enough, it’s really easy!

That’s all, hope it helps.