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How to go offline on WA without turning off data on Android and iPhone

How to go offline on WA without turning off data – One type of social media that is often used by many people to communicate is WhatsApp. Nowadays, who doesn’t know WhatsApp? This application held by Mark has many fans or users who use it for communication purposes using the internet.

Its existence in the world of social media has caused WhatsApp users to increase along with advances in existing technology. This is also inseparable from the features offered by WhatsApp to its users.

There are many interesting and quite complete features available in this WhatsApp application. There are also several hacks that you can do, such as how to appear offline on WhatsApp without turning off data.

Are you curious about the tutorial on how to offline WhatsApp without turning off cellular data for iPhone and Android phones, see the steps below.

How to Offline WhatsApp without Turning Off Data on Android

How to offline WhatsApp on Android can be done in several ways. However, here I will only explain 1 of the easiest tricks, and there is no need to install additional applications.

Here’s how to offline WA without turning off data on Android:

  1. Open your cellphone’s Settings, then search for and select the Manage Applications menu.
  2. manage applications
  3. Scroll down until you find the WhatsApp application, click on WhatsApp to set it up.
  4. whatsapp application settings
  5. In the Limit data usage section, set it to do not allow.
  6. limit WhatsApp data usage
  7. You do this by disabling WiFi and Cellular Data usage.
  8. Turn off data and WiFi on the WhatsApp application
  9. Finished.

How to Offline WA without Turning Off Data on iPhone

The offline WA method on iPhone is not much different from the method on Android, the trick is to turn off data on the WhatsApp application.

It’s just that the steps are different and what is very unfortunate is that the iPhone cannot turn off WiFi for certain applications.

So, if your iPhone is connected to WiFi then all applications will be online/active because it is connected to the WiFi internet.

Here are the steps for offline WA without turning off data on iPhone:

  1. Open the iPhone Settings app.
  2. iphone settings
  3. Scroll down until you find the WhatsApp application, please tap on WhatsApp.
  4. whatsapp settings on iphone
  5. Disable it in the Cellular Data section.
  6. turn off mobile data whatsapp iphone
  7. Finished.

Advantages of offline WA without turning off data

  • Keep data active and can surf the internet using other applications.
  • To avoid spam or annoying people.
  • It’s easy to use and operate, and it doesn’t take a long time to implement.
  • Get peace of mind because you are not online and continue to be seen offline by other people.

Disadvantages of Offline WA without Turning Off Data

  • Some people think this feature is a feature that doesn’t respect other people who have an urgent need to talk to you
  • The impact of this feature is that you will not be able to see who the viewers are of your status
  • The blue tick feature when communicating with chat partners will also be lost because of this feature
  • Some people will misjudge the meaning of your WhatsApp status, they will think your WhatsApp is offline.
  • Even though it looks offline when you are not on WhatsApp, when you return to the application and activate the internet on WhatsApp, the status will appear online again.

The final word

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that offline WhatsApp, although it doesn’t turn off data, does have advantages but also has disadvantages. The main advantage, of course, is that you will get privacy because you don’t have to worry about having to turn off data to be seen offline.

However, besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages, because the person you are chatting with will also feel unappreciated. Apart from that, it’s quite easy to go offline without turning off data.

That’s the brief information we can convey about how to offline WhatsApp without turning off data. Hopefully the information above can help you to add information about how to go offline on WA without turning off your data package.