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How to Write on Blogger for Beginners

In this post, I will share a guide to using, more specifically how to write on Blogger for beginners.

Why did you choose to write on Blogger?

Blogger is a blog platform owned by Google. By having a Google account, everyone can create and use blogger for free.

Writing on Blogger is free, easy and flexible and can be accessed from various gadgets. So, when we are outside we can still write via smartphone.

If the blog we create can bring in visitors, the possibility of earning money from the blog is easier. It can be from independent advertising, Adsense advertising, product reviews and many more.

How to Write Articles on Blogger for Beginners

How to write articles on Blogger is actually very easy, the features or menus are more or less the same as those in MS Word.

Surely you have written or even often write in Ms Word, right? If you get used to it, writing on blogger will be easy.

For beginners who are new to blogging, see the following guide on how to write articles on blogger.

  1. Login to
  2. Select menu Post.
  3. Then click NEW POST.
  4. create an article post on blogger
  5. A writing page will appear, fill it in and organize it in the following sections:
  • Title
  • Fill in article content, images and videos
  • Add labels
  • Description (optional)
  • Date (optional)
  • Permaling or UR format (optional)
article writing page on blogger
  • Then click the button Publish to publish articles.
  • Easy right? Please start writing and try all the menus on the page. If you already know all the menus and are used to using them, writing articles on your own blog will definitely be neater and easier to read.

    Menu Function on the Writing Page on Blogger

    writing features on blogger

    To make it easier for you when writing, here I will introduce all the menus on the blogger writing page.

    The following is an explanation of the names and functions of the menus on the blogger writing page.

    1. Writing and HTML views
    2. There are 2 writing modes, namely the normal writing view and the HTML view. HTML mode is used to write HTML code.

    3. Undo and Redo
    4. Undo is useful for returning previous work results, while redo is for repeating previously canceled work results.

    5. Font type
    6. Choose another type of font. There are 7 types of fonts available, including: Arial, Courier, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, Treuchet and Verdana.

    7. Font size
    8. Change the font size from smallest, small, normal, medium, large and largest.

    9. Text format
    10. Function to change text format. The options are Main Title, Heading, Subheading, Subheading, Paragraph and Normal.

    11. Bold
    12. Knob B serves to thicken the text.

    13. Crooked
    14. Knob I to italicize the text.

    15. Underline
    16. Knob U to add an underline to the text.

    17. Strikethrough
    18. Functions for crossing out text, like this example cross out.

    19. Text color
    20. Function to change the color of the text. You can use the color choices that are already available or make your own colors.

    21. Text background color
    22. Add color behind the text. You can use the color choices that are already available or make your own colors.

    23. Insert link
    24. Functions to add links to text, for example like this verhan.

    25. Insert image
    26. To add images to blog posts. Images can be taken from bloggers, photos, using the image URL or uploaded from a computer.

    27. Insert video
    28. To add videos to blog posts. Videos can be uploaded from a computer or insert videos from YouTube.

    29. Insert special characters
    30. Special buttons for inserting special characters such as symbols, emotes, punctuation marks, numbers, Latin letters and many more.

    31. Align text
    32. Functions to adjust text to align left, align center, align right and align.

    33. Add indent and sub-indent
    34. To adjust writing indents, you can add indents and reduce indents to make the writing more interesting to read.

    35. Bulleted list
    36. Function to create a list of items / bullets in order automatically.

    37. Numbered list
    38. Function to create a list of sequential numbers automatically.

    39. Text quote
    40. Create text quotations, usually used for content quoted from other sources.

    41. Insert post limits
    42. Create a post distance or boundary in the form of an underline (horizontal).

    43. Left to right and right to left layout
    44. Functions to arrange text from left to right or right to left.

    45. Input tools
    46. To select the country language.

    47. Remove formatting
    48. To remove formatting in a text. For example, there is text that is bolded, if you press the delete formatting button the writing will become normal.

    49. Label
    50. Useful for giving labels or categories to posts. Like this post, I labeled it blogging, the aim is to make the post neater and related articles easy for visitors to see.

    51. Date
    52. Useful for setting the date when the post will be published. You can also schedule publication dates according to the desired date.

    53. Link
    54. Functions to set post permalinks. It’s okay not to set it because it will be created automatically by the blogger.

    55. Location
    56. To determine the location where the post was created. You can set the location according to the position when publishing the post.

    57. Search description
    58. To fill in the search description, it is limited to 160 characters. This description will appear under the title when someone searches for your post on the Google search engine.

    59. Option
    60. Settings to set the comment column in posts. The comments column can be hidden or displayed as desired.

    61. Preview / Save / Draft
    62. Useful buttons for previewing posts, saving posts and returning posts that have been published to draft.

    63. Publish
    64. Button that functions to publish posts.

    Writing Keyboard Shortcuts

    As I mentioned before, the way to write on Blogger is almost the same as writing on MS Word. So you can use keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to edit text formats.

    The following are keyboard shortcuts that you can use on Blogger:

    Ctrl + b, Ctrl + i, Ctrl + uTo bold, italicize, and underline text
    Ctrl + SpaceTo remove text formatting
    Ctrl + kTo create a link
    Ctrl + zTo undo
    Ctrl + yto repeat

    The final word

    That’s a brief explanation of how to write on Blogger as well as an explanation of the menus on the writing page. It’s best to try all the existing menus first so you can write the article correctly.

    If you are used to writing on blogger in the future it will be easier, faster and more fun. That’s all for this article, hopefully it’s useful.